Prediction: PRC Invades Taiwan Dec 2022 or 2024
Illustration by Alex Santafé in
Washington DC 12 Oct 2021
When America was obsessed for months with the President's DNA on a blue dress, several attacks had already taken place. Aside from a handful of experts deep inside the state, no one cared. Attacks escalated. Alarms were raised. Still no one cared. Finally big planes hit big buildings and America conducted a rapid Cranialrectal extraction (CRE). And… over-reacted. Because it was ‘surprised’.
BEWARE. A new surprise is coming.
A new textile crisis has emerged. Americans are outraged that they are being required to wear a piece of cloth over their forever flapping virus spewing gums - pandemic and propaganda.
Meanwhile, the PRC, the *actual* totalitarian Communists (not 4 women of color in Congress) is slowly boiling the frog. Hint - America’s position in the world is the frog.
A few years ago the PRC would never dare to fly across the midway point to Taiwan. Because America was a serious country. Over the past few years the Chi-coms (for the OAN readers) have been engaged in expectation management. First, a long time ago, a single fighter went over a few hundred yards. Last week, 38 PRC military aircraft flew deep into Taiwanese airspace and the PLA conducted amphibious assault drills on the shores directly opposite Taiwan.
This will continue over and over until one day they don't turn back. Then the Chi-coms control all the rare earths and the bulk of semiconductors. DOH! Not to mention that Taiwan is a democracy with an industry that still produces things. They also… wait for it… share “values” with us - although these days its hard to tell what that means given more than 50% of Americans are against democracy and a similar number want to use force to restore the game show host. For the OAN people - the Taiwanese are the white hats driving the wagons west. The Chi-coms the bad guys probing ever closer as the white hats reach a place called the Alamo.
The State department declared America’s "rock-solid" commitment to Taiwan. Translated, this means "太長台北" or “So long Taipei”. After the inglorious end of the forever wars, the message was loud and clear. Biden is a sheep in sheep’s clothing (H/T WSC). (Not that the Putschist and his wandering minstrels of sublime vapidity are any better. You get the coup you didn’t resist).
CJCS had to call Gen Li because Li thought the US was going to throw some punches as it went down the tubes. That experience gave Xi an idea. They were not prepared last time, but they will be next time.
Dec 2022 or 2024 (at the outside) "Coup, the sequel" will play on your cell phone (state electors overturn actual votes and install the Putschist). The PLA will be ready to capitalize on the chaos that will unfold and strike the errant embarrassment to its rising power.
This is how domestic and foreign politics interact in the age of unserious America.