This is in response to the following article in the Sydney Morning Herald: While the world was watching Kabul, Beijing set the scene for the next US humiliation
Washington DC Sep 2021
"The Biden administration said repeatedly that it would “not leave Australia alone on the field” in its confrontation with China."
Does anyone take that seriously?
- Beijing is watching.
- Most recently, Afghanistan is a loud and clear message about American commitment to allies and partners. It is America First all the way. Biden or Trump - does not matter - policy is the same.
- We had to get out of AFG but POTUS overrode IC and DoD warnings and plans destroying American promises to AFG allies
- The only powerful indigenous force to resists ISIS, the Kurds, were abandoned by the US
Democracy in Hong Kong was crushed and POTUS was complicit
-America has suffered the following (so far):
---A coup attempt,
---A related insurrection,
---Members of congress regularly openly endorse calls for violence and bloodshed (Brooks and Cawthorn).
---America is being retraumatized by the 9/11 20th anniversary - nerves are very fragile
-A week after 9/11, a celebration of the insurrection is planned in DC .
-There is a mass hysteria in the US where up is down
-Someone has already written a book about how the insurrection could turn into an insurgency
-Beijing maybe stumbling or it might be girding for an attack on Taiwan…
The Australian Defense Force has enjoyed a massive build up over the past few years. It is a vote on America's credibility, which is withering due to its actions and incompetence at home and abroad.
The Australia-US ministerial talks, AUSMIN, are coming up soon. Will anyone in DC know other than AUS watchers?